On April 9th we led two foraging classes at Tunnel Pond, Orofino, Idaho. It was a little bit early in the season to to harvest large quantities of anything, but the weather was perfect, the people were amazing and nature provided us with a lot of learning opportunities. Between the two groups we had 16 adults and 8 youth at our first edibles exploration of 2021! Stay tuned here for posts of upcoming foraging sessions.
Here is a list of what we found on the 9th of April, organized by which page of the foraging section in sidebar you can go to for a complete description and photos. Berries: Oregon Grape Greens: Arrow leaf balsam root, bedstraw, blackberry, cinquefoil, chicory, cottonwood, cress, dandelion, fern bracken fiddleheads, lomatium, ponderosa pine, purple dead nettle, miner’s lettuce, mullein, plantain, rose, sheep sorrel, sweet cicely, tree lichens (3), violet, yarrow Saps: ponderosa pine, maple Roots: Arrowleaf balsam root, Himalayan blackberry, Lomatium, sheep sorrel Flower: St. Johns wart